
What is Cossie?


Swimming costume, togs(UK and Australia)

She can't go for a swim because she forgot her cossies :-(


1) Contraction for costume

2) Car development see cosworth

Swimming cossie

The cossie zoomed past that BMW


small furry creature; usually has mental problems. see also wordkimbo-frog.

your swaying like a cossie mate.


a wicked car which is sadly hidden under a shed/ford shell! fuckin noisy bastards as well!

ford=shed on wheels!

if its broken, its a ford!!

See louise


A souped-up car driven by Pikeys

Look at the pikeys it that max-power mota, i beyt they knicked it.


A Car Far Inferior an XR4x4

OMG i just got shat on by an XR4x4 at the pod

See Jim


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