
What is Coti?


Abbreviation for "Chat On The Internet".

A mysterious shadow organization of absurdists, artists, intellectuals and cynics said to be behind...nothing important, really. Except being funnier and better than you.

When my friend's messageboard was suddenly and cataclysmically overrun by cartoon supervillains, I knew those COTI bastards were behind it.


Acronym for Chuckle On The Inside. More acurate than Laughing Out Loud because seriously, who actually laughs out loud when you text people?

- lolman, that's hilarious!

-dont you mean coti?

See lol, texting, acronym, phrase, lmao


when a person is wierd, a little offed balence from the rest of the world, a strange indivigual

when i walked over to the man in the bunny suit, at first sight i could tell he was a coti man.

See wierd, off, confused, different, queer


Short for Crying On The Inside. Can be paired with lolas lolcoti or lol-coti to express "laughing out loud--crying on the inside". Also used by itself, usually as a sarcastic response to upsetting news.

"Great news! My company decided I was 'too valuable' in my current position to offer me that promotion <coti>!"

"Hey, I just heard my Ex is marrying a supermodel! lol-coti"

See crying, inside, /cry, lol, upset, sad


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