Cottage Back

What is Cottage Back?


A seasonal medical condition that arises on a Monday after or a Friday prior to a nice weekend in the summer in which the reported back pain is directly proportional to the sunniness and temperature outside; results in one’s inability to come to work on the affected Monday or Friday and he/she having a three-day weekend that is likely spent drinking beer on the dock at his/her cottage or cabin while his/her co-workers pick up the slack back at the office.

My co-worker came down with cottage back; it prevented her from coming into work last Friday, and when she came in on Monday, her back was fine, and she also had a tan.

See playing hooky


A seasonal medical condition that arises on a Monday after or a Friday prior to a nice weekend in the summer in which the reported back pain is directly proportional to the sunniness and temperature outside; results in one’s inability to come to work on the affected Monday or Friday and he/she having a three-day weekend that is likely spent drinking beer on the dock at his/her cottage or cabin while his/her co-workers pick up the slack back at the office.

My co-worker came down with cottage back; it prevented her from coming into work last Friday, and when she came in on Monday, her back was fine, and she also had a tan.

See playing hooky


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