
What is Couchlock?


n. being too stoned to get off of the couch

see: couchlocky

That ganj had us in couchlock for 4 hours.


When you get so incredibly stoned that you actually become a part of the couch. It becomes impossible to move. Usually followed by playing grand theft auto, eating $20 worth of taco bell, singing the entire national anthem, getting lost for 2 hours in the Wal-mart parkinglot, stealing traffic cones and wearing them as hats, smoking another joint, listening to aqueous transmission by Incubus, eating a whole bag of doritos, drinking 5 gallons of kool-aid, and finally trying to watch all of Half Baked with out passing out.

Man that green is the bomb...I was couchlocked for like 4 hours. Got any more???

See toasted, baked, high, stoned, blitzed, Pot-Head


When you get a really strong body high and cannot get up off the couch, usually obtained when smoking indica weed.

"I smoked me some romulan last night and got a severe case of the couchlock"

See stoned, high, weed, indica, lazy


unable to move, in a fixed postion.

After the last session we were all couchlocked.

See TJ


When you do not have the strength to get out of your seat, at all, or just do not have the will to.

I've been couchlocked looking at T2B at 2betrayals.proboards23


Also from playing too much Playstation or XBox, or just zoning out on TV.

I had couchlock from playing that Gran Turismo 4 game.


I had couchlock from watching the NCAA tournament all day.


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