What is Counter Strike Source?


A remake, using the Source graphics engine, of the highly popular game Counter Strike. The game is very controversial amongst gamers because hardcore players of the original Counter Strike refuse to acknowledge it because of the changes the development team made such as bigger hitboxes, lower powered weapons and the dirty AWP scope..

"Oh no, not another Counter Strike vs Counter Strike Source thread"

See gaming, half life, computer, remake, fps


A completly new game engine to the original sierra engine. Better grahpics, physics, and all new bump maping. All weapons remained the same, and some argue weather the game play is better, worse or the same.

Counter strike Source is better! Worse! Who Cares!!! ITS FUN!

See cs, counter strike, source, awp


abbreviation css but who doesnt know that?

compared to CS 1.6 this is ther noob version

counter strike source guy : omg this game is so easy!!

*goes into 1.6*

cs:s guy : not -.-

See css, cs, cs:s, counter strike, 1.6, counterstrike


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