Courtesy Flush

What is Courtesy Flush?


A flush in the middle of the toilet-sitting process in order to reduce the aroma...usually performed on a "foreign throne" as a courtesy to the owner of said throne... in other words, to be polite and not stink up the host's crapper too much.

I gave a courtesy flush at the Smith's party because I didn't want to kill the next person to use the bathroom.


When you're using a public restroom and your shit smells so bad you flush it as soon as possible so as not to make everyone else in the restroom puke.

Hey, how about a courtesy flush?


Flushing the toilet at the exact moment of a smelly bowel movement hitting the water as to minimize lingering oders that may eminate off the perpatrating poo. Keeping the bowl poo free will keep the bathroom odor to a minimum.

Courtesy Flush after releasing a smelly chocolate hostage

See smelly, poop, fart, flush, number 2


A term popular in jail. A courteous thing to do when you have a cellmate and are in the small confines of a jail cell. A method you perform when in the jail cell to eliminate the smell of your bowel movement. Usually executed at the point of release from the anus and before it hits the water. The suction of downforce of the flush eliminates the gases as well as the odor of the loaf.

"Yo, do a courtesy flush bro, that shit smells dude."

See shit, fart, flush, toilet, ass


flushing the toilet more than once to disguise any bad odors

Wow, John was just in the restroom dropping the kids at the pool...too bad he didn't do a courtesy flush!

See courtesy, flush, poo, stink, pool


When you're in a public restroom, going number 2, flushing the toilet while you're still using it to lessen the odor and as a neighborly gesture.

Yo dude, give me a courtesy're making this bathroom rank.

See rank, offensive, stink


This type of courtesy flush is usually performed at home. It's showing courtesy to your family by not leaving any fecal remains in the toilet after you have taken a shit.

A courtesy flush should be performed after the initial flush if there is fecal matter still left in the toilet, or there are skid marks left on the bowl. Repeat as necessary.

I went into the bathroom after my grandmother, and she never courtesy flushed. Infact, it seems like she never flushed at all.

See shit, toilet, flush, bowl, fecal, cunt


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