
What is Courve?


cour ve (CORE vah) noun, from Yiddish-1. any not Jewishwoman that is a whore, slut, easy, etc

2. any of the above who wears too much make-up and perfume and dresses like a 'street walker'

3. any of the above that a Jewish Mother fears her son might, to the shame of the family, marry; often because she is pregnant

Rose: I know it's none of my business, but is that Eugene with that courve Sue?

Sylvia: Oy Gevalt! Peh! It is...that dirty whore. His lovely mother will have a massive coronary!

Eugene: Ma, what did you think of Sue?

Ma: Lovely girl. Does she work in the circus?

Eugene: Ma...?

Ma:...after all, so much with the make-up. And that perfume! Not to mention that get up!

Ma: (Clutching her kerchief) So, Eugene?

Eugene: What is it Ma?

Ma: It's good that woman friend of yours looks so healthy...

Eugene: Look Ma, she's not 'healthy' she's pregnant and I'm going to marry-

Ma: Oy Vey! Oy Gevalt! A shandeon our family! My heart...


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