
What is Coward?



1. One who is not brave

2. One who fears many things

3. The most insulting word known to man


1. scaredy-cat

2. loser


1. non-coward

2. hero

3. valiant warrior

4. Adventurer

5. Voorhees 2nd Floor

Look at that man running from me, such a coward.

"I don't want to go in there, I'm scared" said the coward.

Henry, I cannot believe you finished the rest of my vodka. You are an absolute coward.

See non-coward, victor, scaredy-cat, loser


poeple who cant/wont face their problems head on, poeple who run when they have fear, usually of the unknown

cowards will run when they are frightened


A person who refuses to appear on The Colbert Report.

A person who thinks with his head rather than feel with his gut.

Thinking is the coward's way out.

See truthiness, stephen, colbert, comedy, central, gut, head, Stephen Colbert


A popular British surname.

Sarah's second name is Coward.

See coward, surname, british, sarah, ass


The French. The French are also known as cheese eating surrender monkeys

The French are a bunch of cowards.

See french, france, coward


Refers to individuals that pursue predictable life paths of primary education followed by college / university and relatively secure, full-time employment in established companies.

Such individuals may occasionally perform some sort of community service but spend most of their spare time engaging in popularized social activities like watching mainstream sports, movies, patronizing membership gyms, shopping, visiting popular pubs and restaurants, and travelling to commonly visited tourist destinations. Such individuals generally only interact with people with similar backgrounds.

Opposites of cowards include non-traditional artists and musicians, certain entrepreneurs, non-mainstream political activists, Peace Corps volunteers, and others who take riskier, more creative, or less predictable paths in life.

A group of cookie cutter cowards handed out corporate business cards at the MBA reunion.

See yuppies, mainstream, predictable, cookie-cutter, boring


A weak person who backs away and possibly runs in light of confrontation. See France.

The french are the worlds worst cowards.

See slime, weak, pompus, dirty, scared


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