Cowboy Wannabe

What is Cowboy Wannabe?


An individual, usually male, that attires oneself in Western Wear for the sole purpose of engaging in intercourse. Normally has no logical reason for said attire, as the individual in question is usually not from the midwest, did not grow up on a ranch, and did not have a career attempting to remain upright on an angry bull.

Usually spotted at "Line Dancing Night", or in major metropolitan areas, hundreds of miles away from the nearest real "Cowboys".

Identified by; large, shiny belt buckle, excruciatingly tight "Wrangler" jeans, cowboy boots, plaid or sewn-design long-sleeve shirt (tucked into above mentioned jeans), and a pre-requisite "Cowboy" hat. The most desperate will also showcase a "Bolo" Tie, which can be used to strangle the offending "wannabe".

Will be easily reconizable in a group (esp. while dancing) due to first two inches of the fingers being trapped in the pockets of the jeans (theoretically due to their extreme constriction). Dancing will resemble a man playing pocket-pool while being Tasered.

Favors weak, tasteless, flaccid beer such as "Budweiser" or "Coors".

"Look at that cowboy wannabe, the only heiffer he's touched today is that fat girl he's grinding on."

See loser, wanna-be, trailer trash, douche, nascar


1.Someone (Genrally A Man) Who Wear's A Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Boot's, Big Belt buckel and the Plad Shirt: but Ultimatly, Ends up Being The Cowboy's Less Romantic, intelligent and Freindly Cousins, the Redeck,Hick or Hillbilly.

2. Someone From A City, Who Hasnt Seen the Light From A Dessert Sky, Shot A Gun or Slept Outside (Hated Very much in Rural Areas)

1.''Look At That Buoy! he Comes From A God Damn Trailer Park, He's just A Cowboy Wannabe!''

2. ''Look At That City Slicker Tryin To Catch Them Cattle, Hes Just A Cowboy Wanna Be!''

See wannabe, poser, cowboy, redneck, hick, hillbilly


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