
What is Cowtown?


Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Cowtown is a town that has farms in/nearby it. With cows on them.


A small town in Massachusetts called Westport. No one from Westport actually calls this place cowtown because it's embarising. The name was made up because Westport has many farms and cows.

"Cowtown, where the cows graze and the homies blaze."

See westport, town, small, cow, farms


A small rural town where simple folk are more concerned with their honest work; milking & slaughtering cows, than worrying about their lack of sophisticated city amenities such as niteclubs & art gallerys.

cowtown's commonly advertise for new blood with a low population count under their town signage.

"what cowtown did you just blow in from ? they wont let you in looking like tumbleweed; we're eating at Prego!"

See hicksville, boondocks, etc


The place where the cow beneath the sea lives.

I'm going down to Cowtown

The cow's a friend to me

Lives beneath the ocean

That's where I will be

Beneath the waves, the waves

And that's where I will be

I'm gonna see the cow beneath the sea

See cow, town, r'lyeh


Collinsville, oklahoma, usa

ya i reckon ima head on back to cowtown yall.

See ralph


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