
What is Coy?


A modest indevidual who is shy, and flirts quietly and without ostentaciousness.

She's delightfuly coy, unlike that loud skank at the bar.

See coy, quiet, modest, sweet, delicate


A boy that is shy to do or say something.

Christina Aguilera's Can't Hold Us Down says, "But you're just a little boy

Think you're so cute, so coy"

See Denise


Replacement for the word "boy" as used by members of the Crip gangs.

Wat up coy?

See coy, crip, boy, cuz, crippin


(Military) contraction for "company"

C. coy in reserve.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


(noun, verb)

1. Somebody who always screws up simple tasks; to screw up something very simple; usually due to fear.

2. Messing anything up because of fear.


1. Constantly intimidated and unable to act.


1. All that coy had to do was be a man, but now that redhead owns him.


1. He had her topless and begging, but he coyed it all up and settled for booby action.


1. Don't be so frickin' coy! Smack that chic's ass!

See sissy, wimpy, scared, denver broncos, girly


Technique to get the tang

Oh, you are just being coy


means what ever you want it to mean. It's a verb,noun,adjective,etc.

stop being coy.where going to that coy club. i'm going to start acting coy.

See boy, toy, cyah


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