
What is Cozza?


Italian expression used to describe a girl particularly ugly.

Use "cozze" if they are a herd.

Sorry mate, I can't go out with your sister, she's really a cozza.

Oddio dovevi essere proprio ubriaco ieri sera, hai ballato tutto il tempo con quella cozza terribile.

See ugly, girl, cesso, nice, italian, cozza, cozze, coze


A name given to a fat jew called Matt.

"Hey there goes Cozza. Man hes fat and looks like hes got downs syndrome"

See cozza, cohen, jewish, fat, down syndrome


a cozza is when you hide behind a wall, waiting to pounce on the first dog that appears. usually doggystyle and then facial. all dogs have to be willing to give consent. and be of legal age. favourites are poodles. sometimes even give them an angry pirate or an angry dragon

''dude i gave this babe of a poodle a 'Cozza' last night' was amazing!!''

See cozza, dogs, poodle, doggystyle, woof


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