What is Cpg?
Acronym for Chicago Power Grab. Used by anyone south of I-80 or by any non Chicagoan. Typically a negative term used in a political sense, when a city area Politician passes legislation that will benefit the city, but will not benefit the rest of the state. Recently used by Chicagoans as a positive rallying cry whenever a Chicagoan gets more power.
That massive road bill is a freaking CPG!
I heard you have been selected into the commission, hell yeah-CGP!
Cock Pounding Goddess
See that chick at the bar? She is a CPG.
The initials of a guy that is gayer than gay. I can't name him on this site or it won't go. But, instead of saying gay, say CPG! On a scale of George Michael to Elton John, CPG is the highest degree of gay you can be.
"Dude, they fired me for that! How gay!"