
What is Cpg?


Acronym for Chicago Power Grab. Used by anyone south of I-80 or by any non Chicagoan. Typically a negative term used in a political sense, when a city area Politician passes legislation that will benefit the city, but will not benefit the rest of the state. Recently used by Chicagoans as a positive rallying cry whenever a Chicagoan gets more power.

That massive road bill is a freaking CPG!

I heard you have been selected into the commission, hell yeah-CGP!

See cpg, chicago, gop, dems, obama


Cock Pounding Goddess

See that chick at the bar? She is a CPG.

See cock, sex, pussy, pounding, goddess


The initials of a guy that is gayer than gay. I can't name him on this site or it won't go. But, instead of saying gay, say CPG! On a scale of George Michael to Elton John, CPG is the highest degree of gay you can be.

"Dude, they fired me for that! How gay!"


See gay, fag, queer, queen, fairy


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