
What is Cq?


Calling any amateur radio station, may be sent in CW, phone or some digital modes. Directly translated from morse code, it means "calling all stations"



A form of duty in the United States Army which while on is your sole responsibility of to be the duty NCO's bitch to such an extent as to disallow anything remotely fun from happening in the barracks. This includes but is not limited to streaking the halls, sneaking in females, etc. Futher more you are usually assigned this duty on the weeknd, which according to army regulation shall pre-empt immediately any and all prior plans. This duty shall extend for 24 hours which which you must sit at a desk, and alternate between cleaning, answering the phone, signinging in airheaded civilians, and bed checks.

SGT Numbnuts: Private Fucksack, your on CQ tonight at 2100.

PVT Fucksack: *sigh* Roger, Sarge.

See nco, army, barracks


Chuckling Quietly; instead of using "lol" or "lqtms"

John: Dude laura said she'd give me a quickie before class!

Hank: Cq she was talking to the chick behind ya!

See lol, lqtms, laughing


crazy quail; a cross between a bird and a man that likes to lick cock and take it up the ass; give him a bag and he'll lick your balloon knot all night long; also goes by the initials CB or Corner Bitch

If you go to Hillcrest you can find CQ at the glory hole

See butt pirate, fag, bitch, gay, queer, gramps


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