Crab Battle

What is Crab Battle?


1. A hilarious flash video based on the game series "Metal Gear Solid." Google "Crab Battle" to view.

2. When one man meets a Cave Demon.

1. "Ergh...C...CRAB BATTLE!!!"

2. "Ergh...C...CRAB BATTLE!!!"


An event or circumstance set to take place in the future which, if attended/experienced, can be predicted to produce catastrophic results for the individual expressing the term, including but not limited to serious injury and/or death.

Brian: "News is the DOOM movie /might/ not suck."

Jason: "Yeah, right. I declare it a crab battle."

Brian: "Stop saying that!"

See Blank


Words uttered to incite an all in brawl. Whoever says the words 'Crab Battle' will usually be spear tackled to the ground by anyone else present, and all parties will then engage in a fight to the death.

Steve: "hey did you see that new movie that came out-"

John: "CRAB BATTLE!!!"

*Steve spear tackles John*

See brawl, wrestling, battle


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