
What is Crab?


An insulting term to crips, mostly used by us bloods

"You fuckin crab, betta not come around this block anymore"

See syked



A strange creature with weak body armour and has a funny walk. It looks dangerous because it has weapons on the end of its foremost arms but these can easily be overcome by common sense. It can't read, write or talk properly because it is a crustacean....

Does that sound anything like the vast majority of authors for the definition of "Crab", and the ones to whom they apply their definitions??

Lol @ the gang war going on on UD. Fighting it out using dictionary definitions, real tough!

Of course, I have full respect for the actual crabs out there under rocks and in the sea and such.

See crab, crip, blood, idiots, parody, metaphor


Insult toward crip gangmembers; derives from Blood gangmemers

<BLOOD> Fuck Crabs

<CRIP> Fuck Slobs

*start shooting each other*

See AC


Derrogatory term for a crip gang member.

"Mother fucking crab"


offensive term for Crips

yo, that crab is a pussy

See me


Abbreviation for Crips Respect All Bloods.

Fakeass gangstaz disrepecting they flags by callin em rags. A rag is something you clean with. Only people carryin em are CRABs.

See CK


a pubic louse(usually plural)

That girl had crabs. Why would you even think about having sex with her?


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