Crabby Patty

What is Crabby Patty?


the burgers that sponge bob makes at the crusty crab.

hey, sponge bob! where's my crabby patty?

See blaine


A hamburger from In- N - Out. Secret-Secret Menu, with 2 buns covered in Thousand Island dressing, then grilled to create a magnificent burger. Limited time only.

"Can I get a crabby patty, I love that burger."

See hamburger, outstanding, enjoyable, great


Someone who comes to work EVERY day in a bad mood.

Sarah is such a crabby Patty


someone u don't like or have the time for

that girl is such a crabby patty


A female with crabs or with a nasty pussy has a Crabby Patty.

Daaaaamnnn!!!! you hear bout monica? she got that Crabby Patty.

See pussy, crabs, clap, std, bitch, ho, slut, patty


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