What is Crack Babies?
A mix of to fiction all characters of there possible children such as many have made children with AxelxRoxas and EdwardxRoy
OMG AruRoku's crack babies looks adorble
Completely fictional creatures invented in the 1980's by the
For absurd definitions see
Interviewer: Tell us about the crack baby plague which is sweeping the nation.
Doctor: Actually, on examining these "crack babies," I find that their mothers were almost always alcholics and chain-smokers who were seriously malnourished during pregnancy. Any fetus would be extremely lucky to end up normal in that situation, with or without cocaine.
Interviewer: No, you're not getting the concept. We want to know about the *plague* of *crack babies*. If you won't cooperate we'll just interview someone else.
(true story, paraphrased)