Crack Back

What is Crack Back?


1. (noun) The white or gray film that forms on the inside of a glass dick after smoking crystal meth.

2. (verb) The act of "melting" the aforementioned film off of the glass dick while inhaling the resulting smoke in an attempt to get high after you've smoked all your d.

3. (verb) The action and reaction of recrystalization of crystal meth when melted completely and then cooled.

Look at all the crack back on the inside of this pipe! Someone must have smoked a teenerto their dome.

My roomate smoked the rest of my shabsand now I'm stuck cracking back!

I can't believe this shit is good! It's actually cracked back!


used to refer to women who have very flat asses. their lack of an ass makes it appear as though they just have a butt crack on their backs.

that skinny chick has a crack back.

See ass, butt, crack, back, arse


crack back is crack and ganja mixed

sampson tricks hippies by giving them crack back instead of just plain ganja.

See Neo


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