Crack Rat

What is Crack Rat?


someone who takes crack and stinks alot

you drugged up crack rat!!


1) Name for the crazy large mutant street rats found in the city, often mistaken for small house cats and seen scurrying around late at night

2) A person acting crazy or stupid, overly goofy, bizarre, or excited, usually used in a humorously pejorative manner, sometimes refers to a state reached from excessive use of caffeine or alcohol. Someone who gets their crackage on. Similar to lunchboxor goofball or crackhead.

Dude, did you see that crack rat? Almost bit off my toe!

You are such a crack rat, why did you take your clothes off in the hallway?!

I am such a crack rat, I sucked down 5 red bulls in an hour.

See crackhead, crack, crackage, crunk, lunchbox, lunchin, street rat


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