Crack Rock

What is Crack Rock?


crack-cocaine, a hard core drug.

In my neighborhood you either slang crack rock or got a wicked jump shot.

See Nick D


Term to describe an amount of crackcocaine. It gets the name because the shape of it because it looks like a small rock.

"Crack rock motherfucka!"

"That bitch will do anything for a crack rock."


A niche of ska/punk/hardcore. The crack rock scene sprouted up from the squats of New York, led by singer/songwriter/guitarist Ezra Kire and his many crack rock bands: Choking Victim, Leftover Crack, INDK, Morning Glory and The Crack Rock Steady 7. The message of pretty much all these bands include: Take Drugs, Drop out, Squat, Kill Cops and the Government and dont be a racist asshole.

Crack Rock is one of my favorite genres.

See crack rock steady, leftover crack, ezra, kire, crack, indk, morning glory


The object of one's addiction that is analogous to the illicit drug.

Dr. Pepper is my crack rock.

See addiction, drug, cocain, crack, desire, fixation


The object of one's addiction that is analogous to the illicit drug.

Dr. Pepper is my crack rock.

See addiction, drug, cocain, crack, desire, fixation


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