Crack Spackle

What is Crack Spackle?


Flesh colored puddy used to conceal the top half of the ass crack, to create a false illusion of a neatly concealed crack. Most commonly applied to someone with a bad case of plumber's crack.

Damnit Joe, put some crack spackle on that ass before I puke!

See ass, plumber, crack, spackle, puddy


Specks of fecal matter that coagulate in your underwear over time. Usually caused by excessive flatulence, the condition is worsened when the subject showers irregularly, causing the fecal matter to harden. This often causes soreness, underwear sticking to the butt in the area and requires peeling apart of the butt cheeks before normal defecation.

Man, I drank a ton last night and ate barbeque! I've had bad gas all day, and now the crack spackle is drying and making my butthole sore!

See crackspackle


Flesh colored puddy used to conceal the top half of the ass crack, to create a false illusion of extra back skin. Most commonly applied to someone with a bad case of plumber's crack.

Damnit Joe, put some crack spackle on that ass before I puke!

See ass, plumber, crack, spackle, puddy


When a man unleashes his powerful cumshots onto another living organisms ass, allowing the semen to slowly slide down the cheek of the ass.

I could hear Ashley's laughter while the crack spackle made its way down her ass cheek, tickling the hairs on her butt.


when you accidently poop yourself

i had a mega dish of italian last night and on the way home i crack spakled my pants cause i couldn't hold it.

crack spackle

See poop, accident, shit, diarhea


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