Crack Whore

What is Crack Whore?


1) A woman who exchanges sexual favours for crack-cocaine

2) A woman who exchanges sexual favours for money that she gives to her pimp, who in return gives her crack-cocaine

I don't have enough crack for that crack whore.


n. A female who provides sexual services in exchange for rocks of crack cocaine, upon which she is physiologically dependent.

Daequon's bitch a crack ho--you gotta git out the rock before you can git out the cock, dogg. Dat's just how it works.


A whore who provides services for crack-cocaine.

"I got a fat bag of crack, so i'm gonna find myself a crack whore."


1.Someone who exchanges sexual favours

for crack/cocaine, heroin, meth, and certain prescribtion drugs.

2.someone who smokes crack and is whore, and pays for Crack through Prostitution.

"Kyle's Mom is a Crack Whore"

See Jerad


someone who will do anything and everything in order to get their CRACK!!

ashely u be the biggest crack whore. always tryin ta get sommmmee!

See shannon


Anyone and everyone who uses myspace, especially those with over four pictures of themselves on it, pictures of them coming out of the shower in a towel, emo pics, etc.

More commonly a whore who does sexual acts for crack.

Myspace: a place for crack whores.


Person1:omg do u have a myspace????

Person2:HECK NO! Get away from me you crack whore!


CrackWhore: After you pay me in crack for me deeds, I'll add you as a friend on my myspace.

See slut, myspace whore, skank, prostitute, lowlife


any man, woman, or spiritual entity who will do, and give, anything and everything they have for crack.

whore: YO man you gots any crack?

dude: fo sho but you gon' hafta start suckin bitch!

whore: oh hell yeah i gotsta get me that crack!


whore: gimme crack fuckers ill give you mah car!!

girl: i only sell raffle tickets for our school.

whore: ur liein bitch i no you liein!! gimme that crack!!


nigga: what you doin fool?

whore: ima lickin crack from the concrete!

nigga: damn you are a stupid crack whore..

See crack, whore, crackwhore, fiend, addict


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