What is Cracka Ass Honkey Ass?


A term used for a white person who wont shut the fuck up!

White Guy: Hey man wanna go chill?

Other Guy: No

White Guy: Yes you do dont be a fuckin faggot!!

Other Guy: I said no so quit being a damn cracka ass honkey ass!!!

See cracka, ass, honkey, shut the fuck up, chill


A term for a white person that wont shut the fuck up.

White Guy: Hey man wanna go chill?

Other Guy: No

White Guy: Man yes you do dont be a fuckin faggot!!

Other Guy: I said no so quit being a damn cracka ass honkey ass!!!

See chill, faggot, quit, damn, fuckin


A derogatory term for a white person who wont shut the fuck up.

White Guy: Wanna play gamecube with me?

Black Guy: No.

White Guy: Wanna play gamecube with me now?

Black Guy: Shut yo cracka ass honkey ass up!

See cracka, gamecube, white person, honkey, shut up


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