Cracker Faggot

What is Cracker Faggot?


noun- A Cracker (an insult to white people) and a Faggot (Gay) are combined resulting to the unwanted offspring, A Cracker Faggot. These roam the streets disguised as normal people, but beware when you bend down they will be there, when you have gay thoughts they will be there, when you get stuck on a gay porno channel they will be there. My advice, burn them...burn them all!

A senior in our school was shot down and fucked by a Cracker Faggot.

Cracker Faggots usually come in a shape of a fat obese white person on scooter in Wal-Mart or a city fag in a cowboy costume.

(Hi, 8-2)

See cracker, fag, white, gay, faggot


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