Cracker Jack

What is Cracker Jack?


A tasty treat consisting of popcorn, peanuts and a caramel candy coating. It's sold in old-school boxes (which come in a three pack) and although the primary consumers are young children, it's invariably located on the top shelf of the supermarket isle. Every box comes with a prize -- usually a little puzzle, temporary tattoo, or a valid Georgia driver's license.

Take me out to the ball game,

Take me out with the crowd.

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack...

See cracker jacks, candy, baseball, treat


A game played in which several males stand in a circle around a cracker and jack off. They all try to hit the cracker when they shoot, and whoever hits farthest from the cracker or shoots last, has to eat the cracker.

This cracker tastes rather salty.


A game where several men gather around a cracker (I always picture a stoned wheat thin) and furiously masturbate onto it. Whoever ejaculates first wins. By a similar token, the loser is he who ejaculates last. The loser must consume the cracker as a penalty for sloth.

I got the clap from losing a game of cracker jack in college.


a stupid dumbass white person

you cracker jack i thought everyone knew that

See cracker, dawg, man, nigga, dumbass, idiot, moron


A girl, not a guy, who is slightly odd in the head. Often has problems concerning her love life. The term cracker comes from her thoughts of eating an entire pack of crackers a couple days before. Jack comes from her thoughts of a guys dog who's name isn't even Jack. She will answer the oddest of questions without even asking you why you asked her them. If that last sentence confused you, you too may be a Cracker Jack.

That stupid Cracker Jack.

Did you see that girl who just ran into the door? She must be a Cracker Jack.

Shut up you dipshiv! You were better off as a Cracker Jack!

See stupid, weird, hungry, confused, odd


When a white man steals something, usually quickly. This is a rare occurance as theft is usually committed by negros and spicks. Often when this occurs, it is appropriate to yell out "damn, I just got cracker-jacked". Many white people who 'cracker jack' are drunk.

"Did you hear that Vinny got cracker jacked the other day?"

"Man, I wanna cracker jack that nigger over there. Teach him a lesson about superiority"

See cracker jack, cracker-jack, cracker, jack, nigger


Cracker Jack stared in "The Beano" comic not long after it came out (no precise date). He no longer appears, except for in a special edition, where many of the long-dead characters came back.

Cracker Jack was special for using his whip. He could do everything with it, from using it as a weapon, to swinging, and even grabbing far away objects.

For more info, go somewhere else.

Cracker jack

See cracker, jack, your mum, ciao


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