
What is Crackerhonky?


A white person who behaves in the typical illogical, cowardly, whiny knee-jerk fashion in regards to the black race. Most white people have engaged in at least one of the following:

A.) White people whom argue that racism and slavery was long ago so it shouldn't be held against them today, despite the fact that if you look up any video on race (on such sites as youtube) you're bound to see a sea of caucasians making anti-black racist remarks. Any of the few secretive places whites can still get away with direct anti-black racism, you'll see them taking full advantage of with anti-black racist remarks galore. Ultimately this is why society doesn't give a shit when a white person bellyaches about racism still being held against them because if they could get away with it, they would.

B.) A white person who realizes they're restricted to certain areas of the internet if they want to engage in any anti-black behavior and thus uses the internet to make anti-black racist remarks or anti-black complaints. These white people realize if they take their behavior into a public forum, society will kick their asses. Don Imus and Kramer were not crackerhonkies in this instance as they were whites that didn't realize they would get their asses handed to them if they acted out in public and were eventually feasted upon.

C.) A caucasian crybaby who bitches about the few minor double standards placed on them (such as not being able to say the "n" word) as if it were an instance of them being lynched, raped, attacked by dogs, hosed down, whipped, etc. This extremely mild form of karma is responded to as if whites themselves were enduring what blacks endured before the 1970s. Even still, black people who underwent slavery and racism didn't react wimpishly like the whites do in regards to college and not being able to use the 'n' word.

D.) Whites who bitch about double standards against them while disregarding all the white privileges in the media that none of the minorities have.

E.) Any whites who diss blacks by commenting in relation to some of them being on welfare, in jail, etc. when these whites are too dumbass to realize that this all stems from slavery, racism, and a crappy start. These whites are too dense to realize that racism only really ended in the 1960s and don't realize that the reason for crime is do to poverty and caucasians whom are the real criminals.

F.) White people who try to make themselves look like heroes by stating that if it weren't for monstrous slavery committed by their people, blacks would be stuck in Africa (in a wretched state) as if the intention behind it was to help out the black man and thus deserves a pat on the black. Perhaps if white people didn't have so much freetime with slaves running around doing their dirty work, they wouldn't have had all the time to do whatever they did to help advance the U.S. (Not to say that blacks didn't play a big role as well in the advancement of the U.S.).

G.) White people who complain about their race being labeled as racist despite the fact that if you go under videos about a white person who's gone to jail (Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc.), you will see zero anti-white racist comments; if you view video on a black person going to jail, you will be accompanied with a sea of anti-black racist comments galore, which are most likely from bitter racist white person in most cases.

H.) A white person who defends white on black racism by stating blacks themselves in Africa have enslaved their own kind while being to dumb to realize, the issue blacks have with whites is their racism and black on black slavery (while cruel and unacceptable) is not an example of racism. The white person who uses this argument thinks whites are not criticized as big slaveholders! No! whites are criticized as being racist so this argument is irrelevant.

Seems there are a lot of crackerhonkies writing definitions for the word "nigger" on the urban dictionary instead of black people.

I found 9 or 10 crackerhonkeys under a youtube video on race bellyaching about they couldn't publically say nigga and then went into how this feeling was like being lynched before a vicious black audience before I responded "Shut up crackerhonkey!"

A crackerhonkey at the store taking on an insensitive attitude towards a black man, talking about how racism was ages ago and to get over it before sneaking off into his private in his basement and to the safety of his internet where he wrote the 'n' word six to seven times under a youtube video on race with with Chris Rock on youtube: Can white people say nigga?

Most every white person is a crackerhonkey and responds to race in at least one of the above ways.

When I tried to argue with a white man, he turned out to be a crackerhonkey, telling me that I should be thankful for racism otherwise I could be in africa. Rolls eyes! Typical crackerhonkey behavior.

It's amazing how under every video on race in regards to black people, you can find a white person being a crackerhonkey, yet they complain about how everyone sees them as racists.

Why does that guy act like a crackerhonky whenever he gets on the internet?

See crackerhonkey, cracker, honky, wigga, wigger, whitey, caucasian, pale, effeminate


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