
What is Crack-head?


Someone who is addicted to crack cocaine. A crackhead is usually soemone stupid or someone crazy.

My town consists of mostly 95% crackheads.


Such as the man on "Don't be a Menace to South Central while drinking your juices in da hood"

A White lipped dirty person who always seems to be in a rush with no job or place to go.

Excert from the movie: I got these CheeseBurgers please..I'll suck yo dick

-What that crack-head say man (only a crack head will repeat)

I'll suck yo dick man

See crack, broke


Someone who you would see while you were walking down the street of a strange neighborhood who bony and FUGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! They usually look retarted and walk with there feet all the way behind there ugly, bony bodies (If there on that good stuff!)

There goes another crack-head. What has happened to the world these days! Oh i'm sorry man, i didn't know that was your mamma!

See fugly, retard, pill-popper, bobble-head


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