Crap Factory

What is Crap Factory?


A slang term for one's digestive system.

Time to fill my "crap factory"


A baby.

Man, look at all that shit! Your kid sure is a fuckin crap factory.


Someone who is so totally useless in life that they only thing they can be relied upon for is to turn food into waste.

George W. Bush is such a crap factory.

See Earl


An infant, toddler, or anything else that shits uncontrollably.

Puppies, kittens, baby hamsters, horses, geese, kids in diapers, Crap Factory, etc.

See crap, baby, uncontrollable, shit, poo


(N.) A Springfield Elamentary School slang term for "Stomach."

Nelson punched Bart in the stomach because he called his "Gut" his "Tummy", when he was supposed to say "Crap Factory".


term describing a movie that is extremely cheesy, stupid, and/or low budget, shot in video, with a nonsensical plot and horribly ridiculous acting.

"Oh man, I didn't think anything could be worse than "Blood Gnomes", but "Zombies vs. Vampires" is the worst crap factory I have ever seen".


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