Crap Rap

What is Crap Rap?


mediocre rap artist that samples classic rap beats and have talentless end rhyme.

Did you hear Crime Mob's crap rap? It sucks.

See crap, rap, mediocre, urban music, rapper


music which "tries" very hard to become real rap, but sadly it doesnt make the grade. many new "Rap Songs" seem to be landing into this category, songs such as "Crank Dat", "King Kong" and "Chicken Noodle Soup" have landed in the thick of the Crap Rap Action... also noted are the TERRIBLE dances which tend to be associated with the songs

Person #1: Man did u hear that new Soulja boy song?

Person #2: Ye i did, man that muthafuckin song SUCKS!!! And dont even talk about that muthafuckin dance...

Person #1: dat shitz definately CRAP RAP

See shit, garbage, fuckshit, bullshit


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