
What is Crapatoa?


(Cheeselandian: Crapatau) also spelled Crapatao or Crapatowa,

1.An incident that occured in France in 188X when the Paris sewersystem became overwhelmed with a citywide epidemic of diarrhea and burst, overflowing the Seine river outside the city limits with exorbitant amounts of waste and overwhelmed the nearby city state of Cheeseland wiping out the entire popultion with an severe outbreak of cholera and suffocation from the smell.

2. An exclamatiom yelled by the poor souls of Cheeseland as they died in the days that followed the incident.

3. A term used to describe the effects of eating spicy asian/indian food that in turn eventually makes your digestive tract explode in a firey turd so hot it can melt through solid titanium.

Town Crier: Here ye here ye noble citzens of Cheeseland, the Parissian French upriver have produced an immense shitwad in the wake of a diarrhea epidemic. It is the evaluation of the town council that this wad will not come anywhere near our... what was tha? OH NO! CRAPATOOOOOAAAAAA!!!!!! fhlflflfhlflglglghlglglglglglghflglglglglglglglfglglg.

Dude 1: Dude you look like you just saw a ghost, what happened last night?

Dude 2: Well last night I had some curry and it went straight thru me, I felt like I was shitting fire.

Dude 1: Dayumm!

Dude 2: I know dude, I couldn't sleep last night it erupted like crapatoa, my toilet is just a smoldering hole in the wall now.

See holy shit!, cholera, shitwad, fire, molten, butt, volcanoe, fireball, turd


A term used to describe the effects of eating spicy asian/indian food that in turn eventually makes your digestive tract explode in a firey turd so hot it can melt through solid titanium.

Dude 1: Dude you look like you just saw a ghost, what happened last night?

Dude 2: Well last night I had some curry and it went straight thru me, I felt like I was shitting fire.

Dude 1: Dayumm!

Dude 2: I know dude, I couldn't sleep last night it erupted like crapatoa, my toilet is just a smoldering hole in the wall now

See holy shit!, cholera, shitwad, fire, molten, butt, volcanoe, fireball, turd


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