Crapbags With Wings

What is Crapbags With Wings?


see seagulls

Seagulls Are Nothing But Crapbags With Wings!

See pink, green, kilt, plaid, vest, puke, ugly, combo, lenny, carl, peter, moe, joe, fred, jim, brandi, roses, flys, golf, golfing, dell, gay, gross, lol, haha, money, cnn, nerds, jocks, greasers, bullys, teachers, student, gum, xxx, porn, naked, sex, bestiality, power, send, online, pc, mac, standby, news, olympics, twin towers, 9/11, webkins, vagina, pussy, dick, cock, wendys, lasso, lampshade, party, drunk, milk, bitch, fuck, bastard, asshole, motherfucker


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