
What is Craporabilia?


All the cool stuff you've been collecting cuz "someday it's gonna be worth a fortune on eBay" or "I can't wait to show this to my kids."

Items can range from ticket stubs, to eight track tapes, to shoeboxes of old letters, to your original Chucks Taylors.

Also known as the reason for garages, attics, and basements.

Related to packrattiude.

Known cures include fire, flood and death and the need to decorate several hundred Cracker Barrels and Hard Rock Cafes.

Spouse: Wtf! Are we moving these boxes of craporabilia AGAIN? This shit weighs a ton and you never use it.

Spouse: My LIFE is in those boxes. I want our daughter to have my patched pants. And those World's Fair mugs are worth a FORTUNE!

See junk, packrat, ebay, clutter, pawn, yard sale


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