
What is Crappic?


Crappy traffic. Term coined by Point 94.1 Little Rock traffic man Roger Martin.

Watch out for afternoon Crappic.

See traffic, afternoon, cars, traffic jam


An epic movie that's an epic waste of money - a piece of crap.

- You see "Titanic"?

- Yeah, it was a real crappic.

See movie, epic, crap, film


The worst possible traffic you can be in. The kind that plagues major metropolitan areas during rush hour, or occurs behind an accident. You replace the "t" in traffic with a "c" and the "ff" with a "pp" - you get crappic. Crappic doesn't need a modifier. There's no such thing as bad crappic. if it's that bad, it's crappic . . . if it isn't that bad, it's just traffic.

"Man, where the hell have you been?" "I was stuck in crappic on the 405!"


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