
What is Crappuccino?


A substandard, overpriced copy of an Italian beverage usually found at a Starbucks or Tully's and served by overzealous workers obviously inflicted with caffeine dementia.

Alternative form: crappaccino.

One Venti crappuccino, soy milk and low fat coffee cake. Eighteen dollars!

See crappacino, crappaccino, starbucks


A poorly made coffee beverage that cost upwards of four dollars.


Foamy fluid of dark brown crap that jets out of one's butt when an individual 1) has a terrible, terrible case of diarrhea 2) has taken an industrial strength laxative or 3) has consumed a copious amount of beer on an empty stomach

Dude, I can't play ball today... I've been dispensing crappuccino since 4am


What Beavis drinks during the first episode featuring Cornholio. Coffee makes him go ape shit, he pulls his shirt up over his head and the beatniks think he's a genius

"would you like a cappuccino?" "heh heh heh heh. Crappuccino, yeah." (later) "I am Cornholio; I need T.P. for my bunghole. I want all your crappuccino." (bumps into a chair) "Are you threatening me?!!?"

See cornholio, beavis, butthead, bunghole, mike judge


Typically, a cappuccino obtained from a machine in a gas station or truck stop. May also describe a cappuccino or frappuccino made at home from a mix; a "crappy cappuccino"

Additional usage: can describe any coffee-based beverage that acts as a laxative

I can't afford Starbucks. I think I'll get a crappuccino from the gas station across the street.

See cappuccino, frappuccino, crappacino, coffee, gas station, truck stop, laxative


The icy, flavourless crap found at the bottom of a frappuccino. You know there are still pockets of wonderful-tasting coffee trapped in there, but when you search through it with the straw, all you ever come up with is a mouthful of ice.

Man, I paid for a grande frapp, but it turns out that over half of this drink is just crappuccino.

See starbucks, cappuccino, frappuccino, coffee, overpriced


A frappuccino made in Starbucks that tastes like shit.

I want a Crappuccino, Where is my fucking Crappuccino, it may taste bad, but it is better than a friggin stogey.


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