
What is Craps?


Craps is a casino gambling game that involves 2 dice. The person rolls both dice and if they get 2,3, or 12 they lose, and if they get a 7 or 11, they win. Anything else, and the rules change. Now the person needs to roll his previous number before he rolls a seven. Keep doing this until he either gets his number and wins, or rolls a seven and loses. That is the basics of craps. This is the most balanced game in casinos, and the probability of winning is about 49.3%.

If you are on a winning streak in craps and the casino offers you drinks on the house, dont take them. You wont remember anything and the next thing, you wake up with your leg up your ass.

See casino, gambling, crap, dice, odds


a Dice game

let's play craps amigo

See ac


to have the runs or to drop little turdlets1 at a time like pebbles into the bowl from your ass(also include droping dust from the shitchoute]

omg i felt like i had shit cancer cause my ass was releasing craps.

i hav the craps open your pussy!

See shits, turdlets, runs, dump, ass, shit, buttplug


the runs, the shits, the trots, what happens when you eat too much taco bell and cant get off the john.

Oh man, i had to skip a date cause i had the craps.


not to be confused with the gambling game, craps is when 2 ppl drop trough, push their assholes together, and then one of them shits. there is betting, however, only in THIS game, you bet on whether the shit will squish or go in.

Hey you ready to play craps tonight?

ya i got my money all ready. so what casino are we going to?

.... 0.0

See basically, just, people, poo


To describe something that is usually good or bad.

These Craps are mad phat! (the word "crap(s) is used as a noun to subsitute Cd's.


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