Crash Landing

What is Crash Landing?


A handshake in which a person reaches out for a handshake with someone they had just met but quickly fakes him/her out and goes for a hug but then again fakes him/her out by stretching his/her arms out in what appears to be a falling airplane position and quickly grabbing/fingering his/her balls/pussy.

Hence the "crash landing".

Joe: Yo dan why does it look like you've just seen your grandma getting fucked in the ass?

Dan: dude some guy just went to shake my hand and hug me at the same time, but instead he grabbed my fuckin sack!!

Joe: HAAA! sounds like you just got a crash landing!

See crash, landing, owned, handshake, dan, joe, keith, cock, grab, pussy, balls, skank, is, gay


When you fall off a building, naked, and you teabag someone when you hit the ground. It always results in two fatalities.

Ben Dupuis had a major "Crash Landing" on that bitch in downtown Toronto.

See big, crash, butt, cunt, smoke


When a man completely smashes a woman's box. (see smash box)

Aidos: Hey Krystal, why are you walking like that?

Krystal: I had a crash landing last night!

See crash, landing, box, hardcore


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