What is Craughing?
Crying and laughing at the same time. It transends from weeping to laughing with fake tears. This is an action often used by younger siblings in order to receive to whatever they want or to get the older siblings in trouble.
In Case of Craughing: In order to expose a "craugher," look them directly in the eyes, blink excessively and say, "Excuse me?" as if you can't understand what they are saying.
Nicole: He hit me! (sobs)
Julian:Excuse me?
Nicole: (bites her tongue and giggles, thus being exposed as a liar.
when you laugh so hard you cry
Tori thought that the joke about her was so funny, she started craughing!
When somebody crys and laughs at the same time. Usually the start to cry first but then somebody makes them laugh and they start craughing.
One time when i was at camp, the councler hit the volleyball over the net but it went to hard and fast and smacked me in the face. It hurt a lot so i started to cry but it was hilarious and i started to laugh. That is craughing
Crying and laughing at the same time. this action is often used by younger siblings.
Nicole stop craughing!