
What is Crawl?


synonym for cool, awesome, chill

can also be used in the form "crawlin"

"Dude, that shirt is so crawlin"

See crawl, crawling, cool, awesome


The action of moving slowly.

"I stumble than I crawl"

"I've got this feeling crawling in my skin", like saying "I've got this feeling moving slowly over my skin"

See Frank


To give oral to soemone.

I got that whore to crawl last night, and man it felt good.


to ride slow. drive on spokes or deuces or better

me and my homies be crawlin and bangin some screw

See swang, ride, rims, move, slow


a dance done by search engine spiders on the web

when a spider crawls your website, it gathers up all the links and keywords on your web pages, then crawls into all the web pages pointed to by your links

this dance is sometimes called "crawling the web"

robots.txt files can be used to limit what spiders do when they crawl your website -- assuming it's a spider that obeys the rules

See web, website, search engine, spider, links, content, seo, robots.txt


A Jedi Knight : Outcast (JK2) Clan started in 1997 with members from all over the world.

CRAWL was renowned for its skilled (non-cheating) members and for running training and TFFA leagues.

See jk2, clan, jedi, sith, knight, star, wars


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