
What is Craxy?


A typo made when trying to spell the word "crazy" that has developed into a well know variation of the word.

Much like pwn.

"Man you're so f**king craxy, I don't know what to do with you"

See crazy, insane


Something so crazy that it deserves a word that comes sooner in the dictionary.

That's so crazy, it's craxy!

See crazy, insane, lunatic, deranged, wacky



Another form of the word crazy that is severely abused by the O'Connell Clan.

Member: You guys are craxy.

See craxy, crazy, clan, word, insane


a cross between the words "crazy" and "sexy", meaning crazy sexy.

Dev is going to find a craxy boy while in Panama City, and then they will bang.

See crazy, sexy, hot, insane, lovely


one who is so drunk that his mind will only allow him to step the cracks of the sidewalk.

"That Bob, he was a little craxy after the party last night"

See crazy, drunk, hungover, wasted, tipsy, baked, inebriated


A term used to describe someone (usually a girl) who is crazy but also sexy. These girls are usually spotted in a club.

Did you see that bitch? She craxy!

See crazy, sexy, club, bitch, freak


crazy to the X-treme.

Wow, did you see him dunk that?

yeah, that was craxy

See awesome, craxy, crazy, extreme, wow


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