What is Crayons?
Wonderful devices built for consumption.
Some kid tried to make me eat a crayon when I was in like 3rd grade. I knew better than that, so I went and drank some gasoline! :)
Slanguage used to describe those people who are slightly lower in intelligence or slower on the take up than their contemporaries. Especially used in relation to Debating! Comes from the idea that stupid people would try to eat crayons...
Eamonn: Jesus that last round was hell...
D: Why? It was an ok motion, right?
Eamonn: We had a crowd of crayon eaters in the room squirreling the topic every frickin time on us!
D: F*ckin crayons! Ice-Cream, Ice-Cweam...
a slang term referring to marijuana
Let me get some crayons.
a sex position involving 5 women and one man
the man does a hand stand and all the girls piss on him through water balloons /stab him in his balls, and then perform the rainbow kiss with a dog, and hunting down a bear and peeing on it while licking its fur til it comes off.
it originated in south east gewghdisgidsahngikdihbihsagbBURG
and has spread worldwide
"yo lets crayons"
"feel it"
Droppin' crayons