
What is Creamhackered?


1337 hax0r who gets his jollys off by haxoring nubz. Die nUBZ DIEEE!!!

creamhackered haxed my pals computerz! Nhooes my mega-hurtz !theyve been stollens!



1. A word used to describe one who has been a victim of scorn or derision due to having been successfully compromised of their integrity. Being derived of a combination of two words, creamed and hacked, to elaborate the greatest severity of being compromised of ones sapposed wholeness due to being blatantly proven of their own dishonesty and/or fraudulent actions.

Also see pwned, 0wned, and n00b5:2.

1. You've been creamhackered!

2. Tom is such a creamhackered, but at least he admits it!


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