
What is Creampie!!!?



(See also "Live To Win")

The phrase "Creampi!!!" is a new online poker term usually associated with 5 Card Texas Hold 'Em and originated in deep in the slums of Leeds.

The phrase is typed into the chat section during a game of online poker when a played kicks another(s) ass with a brilliantly plyed hand and bums everyone for all of their chips.

It is not used when other players fold, the pot is relatively low, or the player is bluffing.

In many cases "Creampie!!!" is better than sex.

Many use it as an alternative.

During Online Poker Match:

Dealer: LOser4672 shows Two Pairs of 2 Ace's and 2 King's.

Dealer: rockstarsean shows a Royal Flush.

Dealer: rockstarsean wins 79,000chips.

Dealer: rockstarsean wins the game.

rockstarsean: CREAMPIE!!!

See creampie, !!!, poker, full, house, straight, flush, live, to, win


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