Creampie Waterfall

What is Creampie Waterfall?


The laying of between 13-17 willing recipients on top of each and jizzing into the topmost willing fanny. On extraction of the lucky penis the man-batter should, if the fannies are correcltly allingned, dribble southward from lip-2-lip and form a juicy jizz/puss cocktail pool.

The girl at the top of the waterfall MUST be the first to drink from the pool...after that its a free for all!

The Creampie Waterfall - The laying of between 13-17 willing recipients on top of each and jizzing into the topmost willing fanny. On extraction of the lucky penis the man-batter should, if the fannies are correcltly allingned, dribble southward from lip-2-lip and form a juicy jizz/puss cocktail pool.

The girl at the top of the waterfall MUST be the first to drink from the pool...after that its a free for all!

See legendary, creampie, fanny, jizz


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