
What is Creamster?


An individual member of the Alaskabiker group called CREAMSTERS (formerly known as COCONUTCREAMSTERS).

Hey Creamster, how do you make a duck fart???

See creamster, creamsters


A group of scene kids on myspace dedicated to being SCENE that know absolutly nothing about music.

True 1: Oh! hey! look at those creamsters in the back of the venue!

True 2: Yeah, those kids dont even know the bands playing.

See gay, scene, stupid, myspace, trend


A bunch of wanna be scene fucks on myspace, who have no idea what real hardcore is about.

A: Gross, scene kids..

B: Those aren't scene kids, they're creamsters. It says so on their myspaces.

See creamster, scene kids, scene, losers, myspace


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