Crip Side

What is Crip Side?


the side that is used by gangsters

Left side is for gangsters

See Jay


Yes the left side is the crip side.It is also the Cobra,Folks Incorporated,G.D,and Young Guns side.These gangs are known as the "Folk" sect.They all dress to the left side,pitchforks up and use the 6 point star.Colors are blacc,blue,and green.The other most popular sect is known as the "People".They dress to the right side.This sect includes slobsvickie lousLatin Kings,etc.Glad to have straightened that out for the ignorant person jay who obviously knows jack shit about gangs.look at his definition of crip side.

I woke up one morning and since I am a crip after my shower I hand to put rubberbandson my left wrist,a blue bandana around my left ankle,turn my fitted hat so the brim was over my left ear,and last but not least:hang a blue flag out my baccside,but only on the left side, yeah thats the crip side.


the left side according to snoop dogg

Snoop says the crip side is the left side.

See AC


The only side, made official cy Tookieout of respect for his home coy from the south side Crips who always wore a clue flag, clue shirt, clue chucks and always hung his flag out of his left poccet.

hat to the left, flag out the left poccet, bKangin Crip Side

See gang banging


The left side.

The Bloods often "wear" their colors by sticking a red bandanna in their right back pocket. Therefore, the Crips (who are a rival gang) would consider the sporting of a blue "flag" on the opposite side of the Bloods to be the "Crip Side."

A term popularized by Snoop Dogg in his song "Drop It Like It's Hot."

"I keep a blue flag hanging out my backside

But only on the left side, yeah that's the Crip side"


See crips, bloods, gangs, gangsta, snoop


Not all crip's bang to tha left homiez. I know for a fact that Gangsta Disciples an 52 Hoova Crips bang to tha right. I been bangin for 7 years so I kno my shit homie. Crips bang to certain sides because of an event that happend with one of our King's. I'm not puttin 360 on here an spittin our knowledge cuzz i'm not fake but man tha left is Blood side too. Snoop is not the leading expert on Crips an they knowledge. Snoop aint even a Hoova so shit he cant tell us which side is tha' true Crip Side, Anyways Crip's diddnt bang to a siad until they started populating prisons. There are Crips that bang to the left obviously but not all of them.

"Say homie I bang to tha right side cuzzin, and thats tha real side. Right Side, Crip Side; Right Side or no Side nigga"

See Blue


wear one carries a "blue flag" a.k.a a foled hankerchief out of the back pants pocket. Mostly used by crip gang members. Orgin west coast Amercia"it cmae strait outta Compton"

"keep a blue flag hangin out ma backside byut only on the left side the crip side


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