Croaker Sack

What is Croaker Sack?


A large, cloth bag used for holding croakers after you have caught them. You can carry the croakers home in the sack without being under the watchful eye of the game warden.

Paul lost his knapsack, so he carries his school books in a croaker sack.


Used in areas of the American South - as of 2009 - ranging from South Carolina, through Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and at least northern Louisiana. Indeed, the sack doubtless referred to the burlap bag used to carry the fish, but no one questioned now remembers that particular use. Today it's the word traditionally used, at least in the areas mentioned, to mean "burlap bag" and is used to carry whatever articles that are at hand. "Croaker bag" has never been recorded.

The entire crop of sweet potatoes was truckedto the farmers' market in croaker sacks.

Coal in small batches was regularly delivered to homes in croaker sacks.

See burlap sack


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