
What is Croce?


to make a mustache out of pubic hair and place it on someone's upper lip (usually done to a "lightweight" who has passed out due to alcohol consumption and/or narcotic intake). the term comes from the american singer-songwriter jim croce who sported a large black mustache. the first person to be croced beared a resemblance to jim croce.

jeff passed out by eleven o'clock, so we croced his ass.

See pubic hair, stache, mustache, moustache, croce, pass out, passed out


the cherry poppers, stealers of virgins, the one who ends worlds, never up to no good, and always in trouble

wow croce's a fucked up guy

See mmmm


to make a mustache out of pubic hair and place it on someone's upper lip (usually done to a "lightweight" who has passed out due to drinking and/or smoking marijuana). the term comes from the folk singer jim croce who sported a large black mustache. the first person to be croced beared a resemblance to jim croce.

jeff was passed out by eleven o'clock, so we croced his ass.

See croce, mustache, moustache, passed out, lightweight


a fat teenager, but they don't act gay like most fat kids, they're pimps

Paul has the biggest tits I've ever seen, but he also gets a lot of pussy, making him a fat croce

See krook


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