Crock Pot

What is Crock Pot?


When one takes a monstrous repugnant shit and then without flushing immediately takes a scolding hot shower. The door and all the windows must be shut and the toilet seat must be up. If all these steps are taken then the feces will cook and fester resembling the effects of a crock pot.

Guy 1 "What did you do last night?"

Guy 2 "My roommate was pissing me off so I left him a filthy crock pot.

See shit, shower, fester, steamer, dump


A crock pot is releasing a loose stool while bathing with another person.

How many times have you been in a bathtub or a jacuzzi with a girl after having a few drinks and you have to take a massive shit? Do your business, get out of the tub and yell CROCK POT BITCH!

Can anyone say beef stew?!

See scat, shit, dumpling, dim sum


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