What is Cromulent?
Used in an ironical sense to mean legitimate, and therefore, in reality, spurious and not at all legitimate. Assumes common knowledge of the inherent Simpsons reference.
Yes Professor Smith, these citations are perfectly cromulent.
I believe this term originated in the Animated Television Series "The Simpsons"
Edna: Embiggens? I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield.
Ms.Hoover: I don't know why. It's a perfectly cromulent word.
(Adj.) Used to describe a dubious or made up word, term, or phrase that is entirely plausible because it makes logical sense within existing language conventions.
Ironically, the word comulent itself is not cromulent. (See incromulent)
Origin: Television writer David X. Cohen for The Simpsons episode 3F13, "Lisa the Iconoclast".
My friend didn't believe me when I told her that meese was the plural of moose, but she admitted that it was entirely cromulent.
Expression used to legitimize another expression of dubious existence. Used in the ironic sense in that it defends the questionable use of an illigitimate or slang word with another made-up expression. The intent of the phrase is generally used in conjunction with insults to high talkers, english majors and otherwise insufferable people who feel the need to correct others. Often accompanied by a punch to the stomach.
You grok what I mean, yo? (person in the know) There is no such word as grok! (Buzz kill) Grok is an exceptionally cromulent word. (street wise hommes)
odd or unusual
that guy rob is very cromulent